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Coast-to-Coast Championships (CCC)

Starting in Fall 2024, the Pistol and Rifle CCC Championships will be available at participating clubs across Canada to SFC Members. Clubs that already host ISSF matches can apply to have these recurring matches included in the Championships for that season. This means that any range hosting an official ISSF match may be eligible for inclusion in the Championships, with the scores contributing to a national ranking.

*** CCC Scores for Pistol and rifle will be available through the SFC Score Tracker.

The CCC Championships adhere to standard ISSF rules, encompassing targets, commands, courses of fire, procedures, and equipment as set by the ISSF . These championships include the disciplines featured in the International Olympic Committee's programme, the World Cup, and other popular target disciplines. 

  • All participants are required to compete according to standard ISSF rules  and match conditions.

  • Match Directors should contact the SFC well in advance to have their club approved for the Championship.

  • Some exceptions to ISSF range requirements may be granted to accommodate various ranges and local conditions.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Encourage your local club to participate and compete against others.

    The scores from the 2022 Spring-Summer session are here

      Shotgun events will continue unchanged on a monthly basis, in the regular season, as per the existing format.

      How it works?

      The events follow current ISSF rules and format (or NRA rules for CDN 900) and are conducted during the Spring and Fall of each year starting in Fall 2024. Match directors will apply to SFC and are responsible for submitting scores. Results will be posted in the Championship score system and also in the classification system for Pistol and Rifle.

      Results submission

      Results must be submitted on a timely basis using this form Form .If you want the results of a club, regional or provincial match to be used for CCC, send a notice to have them considered. The SFC has confidence that all participants will honor the rules and show courtesy, respect and fairness towards their competitors and the sport of shooting.

      Ranking and awards

      A ranking will be made each periodically. Based on that ranking, points will be awarded according to position following this chart :

      • 1st = 6
      • 2nd = 5
      • 3rd = 4
      • 4th = 3
      • 5th = 2
      • 6th and over = 1
      At the end of the year, recogition will be given based on the number of points earned. In case of a tie in the top 3 shooters, results obtained most recently will be used to break the tie. The SFC values integrity, fair play and good sportmanship. Please note that the actual awards might vary from year to year. The SFC reserves the right not to offer prizes if it so chooses and can withhold or rescind any prize for any reason at its sole discretion. For example, in events with 3 or less participants or when an athelete has a won a similar prize previously, a prize might not be offered.


      Fall-Winter 2021
      Spring-Summer 2021
      Fall-Winter 2022
      Spring-Summer 2022


      May 1, 2021
      Supported events are now added to the CCC events in pistol and rifle for shooters 56 years old and over. Note that for the CCC there will be only one category but participants 72 and over can shoot seated. The Rules can be found here.

      October 2, 2020

      We’ve had a few questions regarding the Coast to Coast Championship, specifically with regards to previously submitted scores. At this time, we are all working through submitted scores.

      To ensure your participation is logged and added to the leaderboard, please submit your scores as soon as they become available.


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