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Owning Firearms

Exemption letters

Under the current legislation, the Shooting Federation of Canada, as the national governing body in Canada for competitive shooting in the Olympic and Paralympic disciplines, has been granted the authority to issue Handgun Exemption Letters.

To comply with current legislation, to qualify for a Exemption Letter, the following provides an overview of what SFC requires to consider an exemption letter request.

Note:  at the current, SFC only issues exemption letters for .22 calibre and .177 calibre air pistols.

Who is Eligible?

  • Must have a RPAL
  • Applicants must be a member in good standing of the SFC
  • Must be able to substantiate that they compete or coach in a handgun shooting discipline that is on the programme of the International Olympic Committee or the International Paralympic Committee.

How do I submit a request for a letter?

Please contact operations@sfc-ftc.ca

*** SFC has sole discretion in issuing Exemption Letters and assumes no liability of any kind to any person or entity arising from issuing an Exemption Letter.

Owning Firearms resources

Please visit the Canadian Firearms Program website for the most up to date rules and regulations regarding visiting Canada with a firearm.

To refresh your knowledge of firearms safety, please refer to the Canadian Firearms Safety Course Manual (CFSC)  

On May 30, 2022, the Government of Canada announced firearms-related measures. Get more information on the measures announced.

The Government of Canada has extended the Amnesty Order for owners of firearms that were reclassified as prohibited via Order-in-Council in May 2020. The amnesty period has been extended to October 30, 2025.

The original Amnesty Order was set to expire on October 30, 2023 and was put in place to allow gun owners to continue to possess newly-prohibited firearms until the government could establish its mandatory buyback program.

Such firearms can not be legally used, sold, imported, transferred or transported except under specific conditions. See more here.

Bill C-21 deals, among many thing, with an Exemption for athletes who compete or coach in Olympic Shooting Disciplines [See Section 97

Please remember, whenever you handle firearms, always follow all safety precautions.


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