2024 SFC Canadian Junior National Air Gun Championships (CJNC)
Championnat national junior canadien de carabine et pistolet à air FTC 2024
Across Canada
March 23 to 24, 2024
DEADLINE March 18,2024
Partout au Canada
23 au 24 mars 2024
DATE LIMITE 18 mars 2024
*All individuals that register by Mar 09 will be able to be put on a team by their province. The province will have until Mar 18 to submit team names. Individuals who register by Mar 18 can shoot the individual match. Payment of fees is necessary for registration to be valid.
* Les concurrents sont fortement encouragés à contacter les organisateurs de l'événement pour organiser les relais et vérifier la disponibilité. (Le paiement sans contacter les organisateurs du match n'est pas conseillé)
MISE À JOUR : Les participants possédant un « Daisy Rifle » ou une « carabine à air comprimé » peuvent participer dans une catégorie distincte.
Voir cette page d'informations sur le championnat pour plus d'informations
For further information contact:
Pour plus d'informations contactez :
1. Ontario Venue - March 23 Only
Pioneer Sportsmen Club, 211 Pioneer Tower Road, Kitchener, Ontario
Contact Sharon Bowes: bowes.s.r@gmail.com
Ontario Relays:
Relay 1: 9 – 10:15 (sighters start at 8:45)
Relay 2: 11:00- 12:15 (sighters start at 10:45)
Relay 3: 1:00 – 2:15 (Sighters start at 12:45)
Relay 4: 3:00 – 3:30 (mixed Team Relay – Sighters 2:45)
Relay 5: 4:15 – 5:30 (Sighters Start at 4:00) – If needed other relays to be filled first
Relay 6: 6:15- 7:30 (Sighters start at 6:00) – if needed for cadets other relays to be filled first
2. Alberta - March 23 Only
1910 39 Ave NE, Calgary Alberta
Calgary Rifle and Pistol Club
Schedule TBD (9am MST start, mixed team if entrants allow to follow)
3. Newfoundland and Labrador venue - Saturday and Sunday
Memorial University of NL Frank Zahn Range
Contact: Stephanie Tucker:
4. Manitoba- March 23 (Saturday only)
920 Nairn Ave. Winnipeg, MB
Relay 1: 9am (sighting time 8:45am)
Team event relay 11 am.
Schedule subject to change if high number of registrants received.
Contact: kaitlinmccrea@gmail.com
5. Saskatchewan - Saturday and Sunday
Range Road 3050
Saskatoon, SK S7S 1N8
Saskatoon Wildlife Federation
Contact: Carla Norman stsa.competitions@gmail.com
6. Quebec
Horaire préliminaire pour le Québec seulement
Les athlètes entrent sur la ligne de tir 25 minutes avant l’heure indiquée dans l’horaire.

(Preliminary schedule - Quebec Only - Athletes to be on the line 25 minutes prior to announced match start).
7. Nova Scotia
Email for details: marcom79@ns.sympatico.ca
9. British Columbia - March 23
8:00 am match start.
Richmond Rod and Gun Club
7400 River Road Richmond B.C. (Southwest of #3 Rd & Cambie Rd)
Email for details: juliebpets24@gmail.com
604-760-4404. All info for the match will be posted on BCTSA and RRGC websites.
** Any registration submitted is subject to approval by SFC
or the Provincial organization **