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Coaches Quarters

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  • Are you looking for a Coach? Register here
  • Want to  become a Coach? Register  here.
  • Already a Coach and want more? Go beyond, here 

Check out our Event Calendar for new online courses

Community Coach e-Learning Course

NOTICE:  The community sport E-Learning project (Community Coach Course) will be launched soon. This course is suitable for everyone.

This course is  provided by the Coaching Association of Canada online through their NCCP E-Learning portal found here.

For existing coaches: New ISSF D course

New "D" Level course starting in September 2024 here  (You must have prior approval from SFC to take this course). Cost is 400 Euro. Register here. You must be NCCP Certified in the appropriate discipline.

See ISSF D Course Registration Flyer

See ISSF Shooting Academy 

National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP)

The National Coaching Certification Program trains and certifies coaches in more than 60 sports. The NCCP uses a competency-based approach where coaches are:

  • Trained in NCCP outcomes relevant to the participants they are coaching (from recreational to National level athletes)
  • Evaluated by demonstrating coaching outcomes through specified standards

Visit the Coaching Association of Canada to learn more about the NCCP and refer to the SFC NCCP Operations Manual. 

SFC has a participant and a coach development model and the following 4 pathways how to become a certified coach.

For existing coaches, please see Maintenance of Certification and Professional Development

To provide feedback after having taken a course, please use the The Coach Participant Feedback Form

Coaching Certification Pathways

Instruction - Beginners (IB) certification

This online workshop is tailored for coaches of athletes who wish to equip themselves with fundamental shooting coaching knowledge. The workshop focuses on planning, safety, basic teaching and learning theory, as well as preparing coaches to analyze shooting skills. Future coaches can choose between pistol, rifle or shotgun events. 5 sessions of 2h30 each. Trainees have to complete exercises and read some part of their manual between sessions. 1 in-person session of 3h00 with a facilitator from the same province for the final evaluation The SFC is charging 150$ for this course.

Competition - Development (Comp Dev) certification

Intended for coaches who want to enhance their repertoire of shooting skills and possibly enter their athletes into competition, this 2 weekends workshops course is a good introduction to the competitive environment of the sport. Coaches will learn in-depth planning, supporting and improving athlete competition skills, and a detailed overview of the rules governing shooting competitive settings. Homework assignments from each course will help to build the coaches portfolio. NOTE: It is recommended to have done the Instruction - Beginner course before registering for the Competition - Introduction course.

  • A Competition - Development Coach Portfolio needs to be submitted for evaluation
  • For upcoming workshops, please refer to Events Calendar

Evaluation Documents

Competition - Development Advanced Gradation (Comp Dev AG) certification

For senior level coaches working with Provincial and National Team athletes, this mix of multisport and shooting specific modules will provide well-rounded training for developing high-performance athletes. Participants will learn to manage a competitive sport program, effectively deal with sport psychology and ethical issues, as well as learn to analyse and evaluate skill and performance.

CompDevAG Coach Pathway

Competition - High performance (HP) certification

For senior level coaches working with Provincial and national Team athletes, this mix of multisport and shooting specific modules will provide well-rounded training for developing high-performance athletes. Participants will learn to manage a competitive sport program, effectively deal with sport psychology and ethical issues, as well as learn to analyse and evaluate skill and performance.


Coach Developers (facilitators)

Interested in training coaches to become experts in coaching? Become a Coach Developer! See information on Coach Developer Training and contact Provincial/Territorial Sport Organization or, the Shooting Federation of Canada directly.

  • See the complete Coach Developer Pathway
  • Express your interest to become a LF evaluation forms after evaluations
  • We’ve taken the RCM pledge.

    Nous avons signé l’engagement MER.


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